Press Release: Notice of Retirement after 45 years of Service

Dwight F. Pentzien retired as the VP of Sales from Industrial Kinetics, Inc. headquarters located in Downers Grove, IL. The company was founded by George Huber II in 1969. Dwight started with the company in 1971 in the shop and quickly elevated into a sales position. Although his passion for sales was evident, ultimately Dwight stayed with the company because he loved customers, customizing services, and the desire to problem solve. He was also intimately involved in fabrication and was a force of instrumental growth & success of Industrial Kinetics, Inc. Dwight was the Vice President of Sales for over 30 years!

George Huber III the President of Industrial Kinetics, Inc. said “Industrial Kinetics has been fortunate to have many long tenured, loyal and hardworking employees. We are fortunate to have a stable, experienced and professional workforce. Perhaps there is no better example of those traits than Dwight Pentzien. Today we celebrate Dwight’s career and thank him for his tenure, service, and accomplishments.”

Dwight and wife at industrial kinetics

A celebration was thrown honoring his 45 years of service on June 16, 2016 surrounded by his family, friends, customers, former co-workers and co-workers. Dwight has many passions and hobbies that he is looking to spend more time doing like time with his family, car restoration, boating, home remodeling and reading. Dwight recently picked up a new passion of kayaking which Industrial Kinetics, Inc. gave him a kayak as a gift for his services. Congratulations to Dwight and thank you for being a such an intricate part in the company’s’ success. IK will be calling on his expertise for his vast knowledge in the future.

IKI designs, manufactures, customizes, and implements conveyor systems for many different types of material handling applications. The passion to problem solve, knowing each customer is unique, and the experience to customize conveyor systems to individual businesses is why Industrial Kinetics, Inc. is the best company to meet conveying needs.