AGVs and AMRs Guide - Navigating the Future of Material Handling

Industrial engineers and plant managers are constantly on the lookout for innovative solutions to enhance efficiency and productivity in their facilities. Two such solutions that have gained significant attention in recent years are Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMRs) and Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs). This article is a deep dive into the history, differences, functionality, and future trends of AMRs and AGVs, providing valuable insights for anyone considering this method of material handling.

History of AMRs and AGVs

The journey of automation in industrial settings began with the development of Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs) in the 1950s. Initially used for material handling in warehouses and factories, AGVs followed predetermined paths using wires, magnets, or lasers. The advent of Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMRs) in the early 21st century marked a significant leap in automation technology. AMRs introduced greater flexibility and adaptability, using advanced sensors and AI to navigate dynamically changing environments.

What is the market growth of AMRs and AGVs?


The sales figures for Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMRs) have been steadily growing in recent years. As of 2021, the global autonomous mobile robots market size was valued at approximately USD 1.67 billion. The market is projected to expand significantly, reaching an estimated value of USD 8.70 billion by 2028, which indicates a substantial growth rate. This growth is driven by several factors, including the rising demand for automation across end-user industries, labor-related challenges, and advancements in technology​​.

Additionally, the Autonomous Mobile Robot Market is highly fragmented with companies in the market adopting strategies such as partnerships and acquisitions to enhance their product offerings and gain a sustainable competitive advantage​​.


The current sales figures for Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs) show a significant market presence and expected growth. In 2023, the global AGV market was valued at $2.66 billion and is projected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 9.8% from 2024 to 2032. The market size is estimated to reach about $6.21 billion by 2032​​.

These figures underscore the rapid growth and increasing importance of AMRs and AGVs in various industries, particularly in warehousing, logistics, and manufacturing, where they are employed to improve efficiency and reduce labor costs.

What is the differences between AMRs and AGVs?

While both AMRs and AGVs are designed for material transport, their operational approaches differ. AGVs follow fixed routes guided by external infrastructure, making them more predictable but less adaptable. In contrast, AMRs use onboard sensors and processors to understand and interact with their environment, offering greater flexibility and the ability to adjust to new situations.

How AMRs and AGVs Work ?

AGVs typically work using guidance systems like magnetic tape, wires, or lasers, relying on predefined pathways. AMRs, on the other hand, use sophisticated technologies such as LIDAR, cameras, and machine learning algorithms to perceive their surroundings, plan routes, and make real-time decisions.

How to Navigation and Obstacle Avoidance work on AMRs?

AMRs navigate autonomously, avoiding obstacles and optimizing paths in real-time. AGVs need a more structured environment but are capable of handling heavy loads, often exceeding the capacity of AMRs. Both systems are scalable and can be integrated into existing workflows to varying degrees, depending on the specific requirements of a facility.


Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMRs) use advanced navigation technologies that enable them to move materials around a facility while intelligently avoiding obstacles and dynamically adjusting their paths. Unlike AGVs, which typically follow predetermined paths, AMRs can navigate more freely and adapt to changes in their environment. The key navigation technologies used in AMRs include:

  1. LIDAR (Light Detection and Ranging): LIDAR sensors emit laser beams to measure distances to objects in the robot's surroundings. By analyzing these measurements, AMRs create a detailed map of their environment and detect obstacles, allowing them to navigate and avoid collisions.
  2. Computer Vision: Equipped with cameras, AMRs use computer vision algorithms to interpret visual data from their surroundings. They can recognize objects, read signs, and understand the layout of the facility to navigate efficiently and safely.
  3. Ultrasonic Sensors: These sensors use sound waves to detect objects and measure distances. Ultrasonic sensors complement other navigation systems by providing additional data, particularly in close-range obstacle detection.
  4. Infrared Sensors: Infrared sensors are used for short-range object detection. They emit infrared light and detect its reflection, helping the robot to sense nearby obstacles.
  5. IMU (Inertial Measurement Unit): An IMU includes accelerometers and gyroscopes to track the robot's movement and orientation. This data helps the AMR maintain its course and correct any deviations.
  6. Wheel Encoders: These sensors track the rotation of the robot's wheels, providing data on distance traveled and speed. This information is crucial for accurately estimating the robot's position over time.
  7. SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping): SLAM technology allows AMRs to simultaneously create a map of an unknown environment while tracking their location within that map. This is particularly useful in dynamic settings where the environment changes often.
  8. GPS: For outdoor applications, some AMRs use GPS for navigation. However, GPS is less common and less precise in indoor environments.

AMRs often integrate multiple navigation technologies to achieve robust and reliable movement within a facility. This multimodal approach enhances their ability to understand complex environments, avoid obstacles, and adapt to changing conditions, thereby ensuring efficient and safe operation in various industrial settings.


Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs) use several types of navigation technologies to move materials around a facility while avoiding obstacles. These navigation systems enable AGVs to follow predetermined paths, adapt to changes in the environment, and interact safely with workers and other machines. The most common types of navigation technologies used in AGVs include:

  1. Laser Guidance: Laser-guided AGVs use a rotating laser on top of the vehicle to detect reflectors placed at fixed positions around the facility. The AGV calculates its position by triangulating the distance from these reflectors. This method allows for high accuracy and flexibility in path changes, as the vehicle can recalculate its route based on the reflector positions.
  2. Magnetic Guidance: Magnetic guidance involves embedding magnetic tape or markers in the floor along the desired path. The AGV is equipped with sensors that detect these magnetic markers and follow the path precisely. This system is relatively simple and cost-effective but less flexible than laser guidance, as changing the path requires physically moving or adding magnetic markers.
  3. Inductive/Wire Guidance: In this system, a wire is embedded in the floor, and the AGV follows this wire using sensors that detect the electromagnetic field generated by the wire. Inductive guidance is reliable and straightforward but offers limited flexibility as the path is fixed and changing it requires altering the embedded wire.
  4. Optical Tape Guidance: AGVs following optical tape guidance use cameras or sensors to detect and follow a line painted or taped on the floor. This system is easy to install and modify, as changing the AGV's path involves simply changing the tape or paint layout.
  5. Vision Guidance: Vision-guided AGVs use cameras and computer vision algorithms to navigate. They can recognize and interpret visual markers, signs, or features in the environment to decide their path and position. This technology allows for high flexibility and adaptability in dynamic environments.
  6. GPS Guidance: For outdoor applications, some AGVs use GPS guidance. This system is less common in indoor facilities due to GPS's limited precision indoors.
  7. Other Technologies: There are other less common navigation methods, such as inertial guidance, which uses gyroscopes and accelerometers to track the vehicle's movement from a known starting point.

Each navigation technology has its advantages and limitations, and the choice of system depends on factors like the layout of the facility, required flexibility, accuracy needs, and cost considerations. Modern AGVs often combine multiple navigation technologies to enhance their adaptability and efficiency in complex environments.

Load Capacity and/or Towing Capacity

Automated Guided Vehicle (AGV)

The load or carrying and towing capacity of an Automated Guided Vehicle (AGV) varies widely depending on its design, size, and intended application. AGVs are engineered to handle a range of loads, from small parts to heavy pallets and large containers. Here's a general overview of the capacity ranges for AGVs:

  1. Load Capacity:
    • Small AGVs: Designed for lightweight tasks, these can typically carry loads from a few pounds up to about 1,100 pounds. They are often used for transporting small parts, bins, or totes.
    • Medium AGVs: These are suitable for handling standard pallets and can carry loads ranging from 1,100 pounds to around 3,300 pounds.
    • Large AGVs: Engineered for heavy-duty tasks, large AGVs can carry loads exceeding 3,300 pounds. Some specialized heavy-duty AGVs are capable of carrying loads of up to 11,000 pounds or more.
  2. Towing Capacity:
    • Low-Capacity Tuggers: These AGVs are used for towing small carts or trailers and typically have a towing capacity ranging from a few hundred pounds to about 2,200 pounds.
    • Medium-Capacity Tuggers: Suitable for towing multiple carts or heavier loads, these AGVs can typically tow between 2,200 pounds and 11,000 pounds.
    • High-Capacity Tuggers: Designed for the heaviest towing tasks, such as moving large trailers or heavy equipment, these AGVs can have towing capacities of 11,000 pounds and above, with some specialized models capable of towing over 100,000 pounds.

The specific capacity of an AGV must be chosen based on the operational requirements of the facility where it will be used. Factors such as the weight and dimensions of the materials to be handled, the layout of the facility, and the interaction with other equipment and personnel are important considerations in selecting the proper AGV with the right carrying or towing capacity.

Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMRs)

The load and towing capacity of Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMRs) varies based on their design, size, and the specific tasks they are intended to perform. AMRs are generally more versatile and adaptable than AGVs, with a focus on navigating complex and dynamic environments. Here's a general overview of the capacity ranges for AMRs:

  1. Load or Carrying Capacity:
    • Small AMRs: These are designed for light-duty tasks and typically have a carrying capacity ranging from a few pounds up to around 220 pounds. They are often used in settings like offices, hospitals, or laboratories for transporting documents, medical supplies, or small parcels.
    • Medium AMRs: Suitable for handling materials like bins, totes, or small pallets, medium AMRs can carry loads typically ranging from 220 pounds to 1,100 pounds.
    • Large AMRs: Engineered for more demanding applications, large AMRs can handle heavier loads, with capacities ranging from 1,100 pounds to about 3,300 pounds. These are often used in warehouses and manufacturing facilities for transporting larger items or palletized goods.
  2. Towing Capacity:
    • Light-Duty Towing AMRs: These AMRs are designed to tow small carts or trailers and usually have a towing capacity of up to 1,100 pounds.
    • Medium-Duty Towing AMRs: Capable of towing larger carts or multiple trailers, these AMRs can typically tow between 1,100 pounds and 2,200 pounds.
    • Heavy-Duty Towing AMRs: For the heaviest towing tasks, such as moving large trailers or equipment, heavy-duty AMRs can have towing capacities of over 3,000 pounds, with some models capable of towing 10,000 pounds.

It's important to note that AMRs are designed with advanced navigation and obstacle avoidance capabilities, which might limit their maximum load capacity compared to some AGVs that are designed for straightforward path following. The choice of an AMR with the right carrying or towing capacity should be based on the specific operational needs, including the types of materials to be handled, the layout of the facility, and the desired level of flexibility and adaptability in navigation.

Approximate Costs and Typical Maintenance

The cost of AMRs and AGVs can vary widely based on their capabilities, with AMRs generally being more expensive due to their advanced technology. Maintenance requirements also differ, with AMRs needing more sophisticated upkeep due to their complex sensor and software systems.

Future Trends

The future of industrial automation is bright, with AMRs and AGVs expected to become even more intelligent, versatile, and collaborative. The integration of AI and the Internet of Things (IoT) will lead to more connected and responsive robotic systems, capable of learning and adapting to new tasks and environments.

Interfacing with Conventional Conveyor Lines

Integrating AMRs and AGVs with conventional conveyor lines can enhance efficiency and flexibility in material handling. Both systems can be designed to complement existing conveyor setups, providing seamless transitions between automated and manual handling processes.

Industrial Kinetics can provide conveying equipment designed to act as an interface between AMRs or AGVs and existing or new conveyor line. This unique conveyor communicates with the AMR or AGV and transfers the load on or off of the robotic vehicle.


An example of the AMR/AGV Interface Conveyor manufactured by Industrial Kinetics

 AMR/AGV Interface Conveyor

The benefits of an AMR interface conveyor from Industrial Kinetics are:

Efficiency: Manually loading and unloading items onto AMRs can be time-consuming. By automating this process, a significant amount of time can be saved, resulting in increased operational efficiency.

Accuracy: Automated systems reduce the risk of human error. This ensures that the right items are loaded and unloaded at the right locations.

Flexibility: AMR Interface Conveyors can be designed to handle a variety of goods, from boxes and pallets to more delicate items.

Integration with other systems: These conveyors can be easily integrated with other warehousing and manufacturing systems like Warehouse Management Systems (WMS) or Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES), ensuring a seamless flow of goods and data.

Safety: Automation reduces the need for human intervention in certain processes, which can reduce the risk of workplace accidents.

AMR/AGV Toppers

A "topper" for an Autonomous Mobile Robot (AMR) or an Automated Guided Vehicle (AGV) refers to an attachment or module that is mounted on top of the base vehicle to enable specific functionalities or to handle particular types of tasks. These toppers are designed to expand the capabilities of the base AMR or AGV, allowing it to perform a wider range of material handling and logistics operations. The type of topper used depends on the application and the requirements of the specific task.

Common types of toppers for AMRs and AGVs include:

  1. Lifting Mechanisms: These toppers enable the robot to lift and transport pallets, bins, or shelves. They can include forklift attachments, scissor lifts, or conveyor belts.
  2. Robotic Arms: Some AMRs and AGVs are equipped with robotic arms to perform more complex tasks, such as picking and placing items, assembly, or packaging.
  3. Shelving Units: Shelving units allow the robot to carry multiple items or bins simultaneously. This is particularly useful in warehouse and distribution center environments for tasks like order picking and restocking.
  4. Conveyor Modules: Conveyor toppers enable AMRs and AGVs to integrate seamlessly with existing conveyor belt systems in a facility, transferring items on and off the conveyors as needed.
  5. Custom Toppers: Depending on the specific requirements of an application, custom-designed toppers can be developed to perform unique tasks, such as specialized material handling, sorting, or inspection.

The use of toppers significantly enhances the versatility of AMRs and AGVs, making them suitable for a broad range of applications in different industries, from manufacturing and logistics to healthcare and retail. By switching out toppers, the same base vehicle can be repurposed for various tasks, improving the overall efficiency and return on investment for these robotic systems.

Industrial Kinetics can design a wide variety of toppers for the AMR or AGV that is currently in use at your facility or one that you are considering.

Choosing the AGV or AMR for Your Material Handling Needs

Determining the right Autonomous Mobile Robot (AMR) or Automated Guided Vehicle (AGV) involves a detailed analysis of your specific operational requirements, the physical environment of your plant, and the goals you aim to achieve through automation. Here's a structured guide to help you make an informed decision:

  1. Define Your Material Handling Requirements
  • Tasks and Applications: Identify the specific material handling tasks you need the AMR or AGV to perform (e.g., moving raw materials, transporting finished goods, replenishing production lines). This will help narrow down the type of vehicle that best suits your needs.
  • Payload Capacity: Determine the typical weight and dimensions of the materials to be handled. This will dictate the payload capacity requirements for the AMR or AGV.
  • Throughput Requirements: Calculate the volume of materials that need to be moved within a given time frame to maintain efficiency in your operations.
  1. Assess Your Plant Environment
  • Floor Layout and Space Constraints: Consider the layout of your plant, including aisle widths, ramp inclines, and any space constraints that could affect the maneuverability of the AMR or AGV.
  • Floor Conditions: Evaluate the floor conditions (smooth, uneven, presence of obstacles) to ensure the selected vehicle can run effectively in your environment.
  • Indoor vs. Outdoor: Determine whether the vehicle will be working indoors, outdoors, or both, as this affects the type of AMR or AGV suitable for your needs.
  1. Compare AMR and AGV Technologies
  • Navigation Technology: AGVs typically follow predefined paths using wires, magnetic strips, or lasers, while AMRs navigate more flexibly using sensors and maps. Consider which navigation method aligns with your operational flexibility and environment complexity.
  • Integration with Existing Systems: Ensure the chosen solution can integrate with your current warehouse management system (WMS), manufacturing execution system (MES), or other relevant systems for seamless operations.
  • Scalability: Consider how easily the system can scale up or adapt as your material handling needs evolve over time.
  1. Evaluate Performance and Safety Features
  • Safety Standards: Ensure the AMR or AGV complies with relevant safety standards and includes features like collision detection, emergency stop mechanisms, and safety sensors.
  • Battery Life and Charging Options: Assess the battery life and charging solutions to ensure they meet your operational cycles and minimize downtime.
  • Reliability and Maintenance: Look for vehicles known for their reliability and ease of maintenance to reduce potential operational disruptions.
  1. Vendor Evaluation and Support Services
  • Vendor Experience: Choose a vendor with proven experience in your industry and a history of successful deployments.
  • Support and Maintenance: Evaluate the level of customer support, training, and maintenance services provided by the vendor. Consider the availability of spare parts and technical support to minimize downtime.
  • Cost Analysis and ROI: Perform a cost-benefit analysis, considering not only the initial investment but also long-term operational savings, efficiency gains, and the potential return on investment.
  1. Pilot Testing and Implementation
  • Pilot Program: If possible, conduct a pilot test with a short-term deployment in your plant to evaluate the performance of the AMR or AGV in real-world conditions.
  • Feedback and Adjustments: Use feedback from the pilot program to make any necessary adjustments or to confirm the suitability of the chosen solution before full-scale implementation.

By systematically evaluating these aspects, you can choose the right AMR or AGV that aligns with your material handling needs, operational goals, and the specific conditions of your plant environment. This careful selection process will help ensure a successful integration of automation technology into your operations, enhancing efficiency and productivity.

Final Thoughts

The evolution of Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMRs) and Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs) is a pivotal shift in the landscape of industrial automation. These technologies not only epitomize the strides made in enhancing operational efficiency and productivity but also underscore the dynamic nature of material handling in the modern era. From their historical roots to their current applications and future potential, AMRs and AGVs have proven themselves as indispensable tools in the arsenal of industrial engineers and plant managers aiming to navigate the complexities of contemporary warehousing, logistics, and manufacturing environments.

As we have explored, the distinct characteristics, capabilities, and applications of AMRs and AGVs cater to a broad spectrum of industrial needs, offering solutions that are both innovative and adaptable. The integration of advanced navigation technologies, the capacity to interface with conventional conveyor lines, and the flexibility provided by various toppers and attachments further enhance their utility and versatility. Moreover, the substantial market growth and projected trends highlight the increasing reliance on these robotic systems to address challenges such as labor shortages, the demand for higher productivity, and the pursuit of operational excellence.

Choosing the right AMR or AGV requires careful consideration of one's specific operational needs, plant environment, and long-term goals. The journey toward automation is not just about adopting the latest technology but also about reimagining processes and workflows to unlock new levels of efficiency and competitiveness.

Looking ahead, the future of AMRs and AGVs is bound to be shaped by continuous advancements in AI, machine learning, and IoT technologies, fostering even more sophisticated, autonomous, and collaborative systems. As these innovations unfold, industrial stakeholders must remain proactive in exploring and adopting these technologies, ensuring they stay at the forefront of the automation revolution. The journey of AMRs and AGVs is far from complete; it is an evolving narrative of progress, innovation, and transformation, promising to redefine the parameters of industrial efficiency and productivity for years to come.